Publisher: born2beffective®
represented by: Christine Goebel-Born
Address: Via Giuseppe Giusti 9, 20154 Milan, ITALY
Phone: +39 3426384677
Partita IVA: IT 04119790162
WEB Design: born2beffective®
Legal Information: born2beffective® is a professional training and coaching service owned and operated by Christine Goebel-Born. born2beffective® is registered in Germany under the business registration number 30 2009 050 748.
Content Responsibility: As the owner of born2beffective®, Christine Goebel-Born is responsible for the content of this website and all social media accounts associated with the business. This includes all written and multimedia content, such as blog posts, images, videos, and audio recordings.
Disclaimer: The information provided on this website and in coaching sessions is for educational and informational purposes only. It is not a substitute for professional advice or treatment. The information provided is not intended to diagnose or treat any medical or psychological condition. If you have a medical or psychological concern, please consult a licensed healthcare professional.
Privacy Policy: born2beffective® respects the privacy of its clients and website visitors. Please refer to the privacy policy for more information.
Copyright Notice: All content on this website and associated social media accounts is protected by copyright law. Unauthorized use or reproduction of any content is strictly prohibited without prior written consent from Christine Goebel-Born.
Last updated: 24/03/2023